16 Մարտի, Կիրակի, 2025

22 տարվա գերությունից հետո որդին վերադարձել է մոր մոտ /ֆոտո/

50-ամյա Չժոու Ցիսյուն միավորվել է որդու հետ 22 տարվա բաժանումից հետո։ Երիտասարդը, ով հիմա 26 տարեկան է, 22 տարի առաջ առեւանգվել էր ու ստրկության մատնվել, սակայն նրան հաջողվել է փախչել։

Ծնողները տարիներ շարունակ փնտրում էին որդուն, ում առեւանգել էին 1994-ին, Յուանի հայրն այնքան է անհանգստացել որդու համար, որ հիվանդացել ու մահացել է։

Յուանն ասում է, որ միշտ երազել է վերադառնալ տուն, սակայն չի կարողացել։ Ի վերջո նրան հաջողվել է փախչել եւ վերադառնալ մոր մոտ։

Zou Qixiu is finally reunited with her son Yuan Dan 22 years after he was kidnapped. The little four-year-old boy she knew is now a big grown man and himself a father

It was an emotional reunion as Mrs Qixiu was reunited with her firstborn child. He was also introduced to the brother and two sisters he never knew he had

At one point the emotion was too much for Mrs Qixiu, who collapsed and had to be comforted by relatives (pictured). Her husband died of cancer in 2001, unaware that his son was growing up hundreds of miles away

Yuan Dan (pictured, second from the right) with his younger sisters and younger brother. He grew up in Fujian province hundreds of miles from the rest of his family 

Yuan Dan is pictured meeting his many relatives in his home town of Shaoyang. His family made sure that a huge feast of Chinese food was laid on in his honour

Mrs Qixiu shows her son Yuan (right) some of the clothes he had worn as a boy. He said he realised he had to find his real mother when he himself had a child

Traditional Chinese firecrackers were let off to welcome Yuan back home (pictured). He was abducted by kidnappers who sold him to a childless couple in Fujian province. 

Mrs Qixiu is pictured holding hands with her son Yuan, who is now 26. She also learned that she had become a grandmother

Who's a big boy now? The joy is clear on Mrs Qixiu's face as she meets her son Yuan for the first time. He has made a life for himself in Fujian province, where he grew up with a mother and father he knew were not his biological parents

Zou Qixiu is pictured here in a state of excitement as she waits for her son to arrive. Human trafficking is a big problem in China and the country's one-child policy has been accused of encouraging kidnapping and child trafficking

Yuan Dan (pictured, centre) got a VIP welcome when he returned to Shaoyang in Hunan province for the first time in 22 years. His father had scoured the country in vain looking for him before he died

Mrs Qixiu is pictured waiting patiently for her son to arrive. He travelled 300 miles from Fujian province after DNA tests confirmed he was her long-lost son



Մարտի 2025